- Xbox 360 GT:
- Age:
- 27
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Iowa
- Gamer Type:
- rage-quitter
- Clan:
- GoG
- Clan Rank:
- Staff
Game Hardware:
- Atari 7800
- Game Boy
- Nintendo 64
- Nintendo DS
- PC
- PlayStation
- PlayStation 2
- PlayStation 3
- Sega Dreamcast
- Sega Genesis
- Sega Saturn
- Super NES
- Xbox
- Xbox 360
check out the link below!
Game Genres:
- Arcade
- Music
- Puzzle
Gamer Bio:
So, I figured I should probably fill this field in, since I've been here for a year and all.
I've been playing games since I was introduced to Super Mario Bros. on the NES when I was a wee lad. I quickly became a sort of "prodigy" in my neighborhood, which eventually led to me getting to play Super Mario Bros. 3 before the game's release. There was a small news story about it, but it's long lost. I tried finding it in the archives, but no such luck. Nothing more really came of that though. There was a long period in high school where I didn't really want anything to do with video games, and it wasn't uncommon to go full weeks without touching a controller. Nowadays, that's rare. I found myself playing games much more now, just because I've lost contact with a bunch of friends I used to hang out with, and I have a bit more free time (at least until another girlfriend comes along). Well, that's about it.

Video Game Tournaments
Whether it's a website for your own company, ad space on The GoG, or video game related tournaments/events, reviews, photos, and videos...Jet Set Studio can help you connect with your market in ways you'd never imagine. Let us know if you have any ideas, comments, or questions and we'll look forward to working with you to accomplish your visibility goals...
Jet Set Studio

Pretty sweet-looking hidden object game utilizing the DSi camera.
Happy birthday, JackDaniels624!
Epic plastic guitar battles pt. 1 Dynafire vs. RyuBlitz - Cult of Personality
Epic plastic guitar battles pt.2 Dynafire vs. RyuBlitz - Cliffs of Dover
Rock Band GoG game night - Highway Star
Rock Band 2 - ZMaine and me - endless setlist 2 - Ace of Spades '08
Freddy Wong's version of Bike Hero. Absolutely great.
GHII custom - Those Who Fight Further by The Black Mages (FFVII boss music)

Dynafire has 132 chronicles
Where I'm at, where I've been, & what I'm doing
Player Chronicle -- Posted on Aug 20 2011
Why hello there. It's kind of interesting to be typing this as I'm almost positive this will be my last chronicle on this site. It's been some good times...
+ Read & Rate -
Player Chronicle -- Posted on Dec 04 2010
The Wii is one of those things that I never thought I'd buy. Ever. However, I have grown bored of the dull, shooter-filled 360, and have been looking for...
+ Read & Rate -
Halo Reach review sort-of-thing
Player Chronicle -- Posted on Oct 18 2010
Arriving late to the party is my review of Halo Reach. The last title in the Halo franchise to be developed by Bungie, is Reach the penultimate Halo exper...
+ Read & Rate -
Red Dead Redemption review-sort-of-thing
Player Chronicle -- Posted on Jul 27 2010
Having recently discovered that a LOT of people are buying and playing Red Dead Redemption, I felt it necessary to rain on their parade. Well, sort of. S...
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Displaying 1 - 10 of 256 comments.
Posted On Jul 27 2011You need a new profile photo!
Posted On Mar 16 2011I wanted to stop by and first say hello.
I chose not to single you out in my Chronicle comment, but I was disturbed by your comments and wanted to address them.
I'm sorry if you feel like I'm always pushing you to promote things. I'll leave you out of these efforts from now on.
On the GoGcast front, you always were saying you had to go, you were tired, or you didn't have any opinions to add to the conversation. You know you're always a welcome guest of the show, but you also know the level of excitement I want for that show and our limited space/bandwidth, so no offense, but I'd need you to bring more effort I suppose.
Lastly, I'd like nothing more than to see the non-competitive gamers continue to thrive around here. Since many times I feel like the only true dedicated member, like I said, my interests can dictate conversation. My challenge to you and all who are like you, would be START conversation that interest you, BRING people in to chat more about them, and FOLLOW-UP with those efforts to keep things dynamic and fun.
Let me know your thoughts and you know I'll always love you sir -
Posted On Nov 21 2010Change your Twitter username to DYNAFIREfromGoG, download HootSuite to help organize your Twitter activity, and send me a mention (@BENfromGoG) so I can share it with the other "from GoG" crew
Posted On Oct 13 2010Moar chronicles!
Posted On Aug 10 2010Get ready for another season of the GoGcast!
Posted On Jul 18 2010Sorry about ignoring your Halo 3 invite yesterday, I sometimes have notifications turned off.
Posted On Jul 02 2010Write more chronicles, IMO. Sometimes I have breaks at work, and I feel like reading something game related. Sadly, I find that most game sites tend to suck at it, so I always check on your page for something new, since you are one of the few reviewers whose opinions I actually respect and enjoy.
Posted On Jun 14 2010Wow, sounds like you do have a full plate. I am doing good down here in KC. I am starting to get back into the gaming mood too now that I am out of school (thank God!). I am interested in your FFVII speed run. As one of the greatest RPGs I have ever played, a speed run would be cool to record. Make sure you give me a time and date for when you plan on streaming it.
I actually own a copy of Legaia II. I have had it for forever, but I have not played it, lol. My brother seemed to enjoy it, though. I'll have to bust it out here one of these days when I am not neck deep in another game. -
Posted On Jun 13 2010Comment on hastro's acceptance speech
Posted On Jun 10 2010Oh noes! Did my other comment before that one not go through? I was informing you that Puzzle Quest 2 was coming out on June 22nd. I then proceeded to ask you how excited you were on a scale of 1 to orgasmic with 7 being the highest.