Video Game Tournaments
Whether it's a website for your own company, ad space on The GoG, or video game related tournaments/events, reviews, photos, and videos...Jet Set Studio can help you connect with your market in ways you'd never imagine. Let us know if you have any ideas, comments, or questions and we'll look forward to working with you to accomplish your visibility goals...
Jet Set Studio
Looking to shove your skills in another gamers face? Well, we here at gathering of gamers believe it is your right, no, Your Duty to do so. Look for the hottest video game tournaments in your area or take your skills on the road. Gathering of Gamers can become the most effective and powerful tool in helping you find or host a successful video game tournament. This section is completely driven by you, the video game community. Here you will be given the opportunity to post upcoming video game tournaments or browse what’s happening in your neck of the world. Whether you’re setting up a LAN party in your basement or a national tournament, the Gathering of Gamers gives you the tools and the audience you’ll need to make it happen.
For those of you gamers with a thirst of victory that burns deep within your loins or loinettes simply click on the corresponding state or country in which you live in. You’ll instantly be gazing into a sea of possibilities. Don’t stop eating up the competition until that fierce thirst is quenched with the souls of your not so worthy adversaries.
For you gamers who take pleasure in hosting the greatest video game tournaments this planet has ever laid their mortal eyes on, here’s the tool urban legends are made of! Post your tournament here, giving details on prizes, type of competition, size of clans, location, times, etc.
Remember this, the video game tournament section of the gathering of gamers can be as big as your imagination will allow. The number of tournaments is solely based upon your willingness to participate. You are limitless. The world is now your playground.