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NekoNivi has 9 chronicles

  1. NekoNivi What makes a Con?

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Aug 28 2008

    Utah's boring, hands down newsflash so I wanted to put together something (Party, event, contest) that brings "geeks, nerds, gamers" together. It's gonna be pricey but there's enough local mom and pop places that probably would sponsor events.

    However, I want to know what makes a good convention? Rather it's as big as Comicon or something local. What would draw YOU to a convention, and what is worth paying for?

    PLEASE let me know! I'd like to let this idea actually get off the ground...unlike my others that get off the ground, then crash miserably back down.



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Chronicle Comments

NekoNivi has 3 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. BEN BEN
    Posted On Aug 28 2008

    I agree with Dynafire, that it's probably more work than you might think, but if it's something you're going to still try and do, I'd say contacting fellow convention organizers and establishing corporate support are two of the main things you'll need to do first.

    I'd also say that finding a niche that can be focused and geared towards a community of people that would be interested in an event like a convention.

    The technical aspects, booths, activities, that's a whole other ball game of responsibilities Laughing

    I wish you luck, but don't think it's going to be easy if you want it done right. I developed a 3v3 soccer tournament before this company and with a full sized event like that, it was super stressful and tons of work...but it can be done!

  2. Dynafire Dynafire
    Posted On Aug 28 2008

    Conventions are actually a fairly massive undertaking (not trying to discourage you. I'm just saying.) that require tons of effort to make successful. The most important thing to think about is what your con will consist of, and draw ideas from cons that have been successful in the past.

    For example, say you want a con for gamers - look at the Midwest Gaming Classic, Magfest, or even Gencon for ideas. Try to get in touch with the organizers from each of those events - they should be more than happy to give you some helpful advice.

    you also need a sizeable staff of workers/volunteers to ensure things run smoothly. Location is also an important factor - nearly every con I've ever looked at going to has been situated at or near a large hotel.

    You'd also need to find equipment for running various aspects of your con - whether its TV's, game systems, games, etc. You might be able to find local places that'll help you out in exchange for advertising or something.

    Anyway, there's my 2 cents. Good luck with it if you decide to move forward with the idea!

  3. ZMaine ZMaine
    Posted On Aug 27 2008

    guitar hero, ddr, video games, maybe some anime stuff, idk, ive never been to one since i live in iowa (probably more boring than utah) just giving you some ideas