- Xbox 360 GT:
- Age:
- 18
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Gamer Type:
Game Hardware:
- Nintendo 64
- PC
- PlayStation
- PlayStation 2
- Xbox
- Xbox 360
Games I like.....uhmm Halo CE..Gears of war, Far Cry, Half Life 2, Bioshock, Doom3, Unreal Tournament 2004, Perfect Dark Zero, Timesplitters 1+2+3, Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider (allof them) Black, The Chronicles of Riddick, GRAW, Call of Duty 3, System Shock, Quake (all), Deus X: Invisible War, Battlefield 2142, F.E.A.R, Rainbow 6: Vegas, Splinter Cell(all of them) Soul Calibur 3, .....
Game Genres:
- Action-adventure
- Fighting
- First-person shooter
- Massively Multiplayer Online Games
- Third-person shooter

Video Game Tournaments
Whether it's a website for your own company, ad space on The GoG, or video game related tournaments/events, reviews, photos, and videos...Jet Set Studio can help you connect with your market in ways you'd never imagine. Let us know if you have any ideas, comments, or questions and we'll look forward to working with you to accomplish your visibility goals...
Jet Set Studio

TreeBo has 0 chronicles

Displaying 1 - 10 of 17 comments.
Posted On Jan 30 2008Let's see a new Chronicle sometime
Posted On Oct 01 2007Let's see a video game review or gaming experience in your Chronicles...then spread the word, so people will rank/comment on it and you might be able to win this month's Chronicle Contest!
Posted On Sep 27 2007Check out and rate my new Chronicle!
Posted On Sep 20 2007Ooh, ooh.... I beat Bioshock last week! It took 3 days but I think I was on easy (I know, I know I'm such a weak gamer). I started a new game on medium and this time is HARVEST TIME! I'll keep you posted..
Posted On Sep 20 2007alot of the retail stores are having release "parties". Not sure what they're all doing, but it's an excuse to pick up the game at midnight, ya know. We trying to get alot of them to hand out GoG flyers at their events, so we could be seeing more members come in fast
We're having some public GoG event too, here in the US, to highlight Halo 3, so that's pretty cool.
Would you like me to add N. Ireland as a location, so we can get you put on the map?! You should also tell your friends to join up as well. Who knows, maybe one of our future gaming events we'll be able to connect with an Ireland event!!!
Posted On Sep 20 2007NO KIDDING! I can't wait either!
Where are you from? Are there any parties, tournaments, or anything going on to celebrate this event?
Posted On Sep 20 2007Facebook and Digg your Chronicles!
Posted On Sep 11 2007I need a new GamerTag...FROM YOU!
Submit your vote TODAY, by commenting/ranking this Chronicle:
(you'll have to copy and paste the above, into your browser's URL)
Posted On Sep 07 2007Ah, I was gonna say - whoever was playing isn't very good. On hard difficulty he was still pretty easy - I used telekenesis to rip the scalpel out of his hand and throw it back at his face, then threw a propane canister at him. The security bot I had with me got him to the point where he ran for a med station I'd hacked, and the med station killed him. I think he touched me once :P
Posted On Sep 07 2007Lovin the vids...did you see the Chronicle codeh4x0r wrote? Those Chronicles are for you to write your own video game reviews, stories, cheats, or anything else...enjoy