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Maskahu has 2 chronicles

  1. Maskahu Overwhelmed!

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Apr 29 2008

    This happens on occasion.

    Too many games pop up that look interesting to me, so I go ahead and snag up 4 or 5 new games and all of a sudden I'm too swamped!

    Here's what I'm trying to play:
    Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness(PSP)
    Final Fantasy Tactics(PSP)
    Splinter Cell: Double Agent(PS3)
    Rock Band(PS3)
    Grand Theft Auto 4(PS3)
    And various DL'able games through PSN.

    I've made sizable progress in RB and FFT, mainly cause I've had them longer, and I haven't started GTA4 mainly because I haven't picked it up. But from what I hear, it seems to be a great game.

    Haven't played much GH3 lately, the DLC doesn't catch my eye, and the game just isn't as fun as previous installments. Speaking of which, I'd love to get my PS2 back and get back on the GH2 and GH1 wagon. I miss those games so.

    Since I'm on music games, RB is gonna make me broke if Harmonix keeps releasing the gold they usually do. The Screaming for Vengance pack is awesome, but my wallet won't be able to handle $14.99 a month, which seems like it might be the case...damn you for making me love plastic guitars and drums, damn you!

    Since this is kind of a big scattershot entry, I'm gonna end as random as I started. OMG FINALS AND GRADUATION! I'm kinda freaked out about what I'm doing next...

    Take care!

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Chronicle Comments

Maskahu has 3 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. BEN BEN
    Posted On Apr 29 2008

    Isn't it great to have TOO MANY games! haha...I feel the same way with Mario Kart, GTA4, and still loving Halo/CoD4! Good luck with beating all of them while also finishing school for the year Very Happy

    As you complete or advance through some of the games, you'll have to keep the forum conversation hot about that title and maybe drop a game reviewing Chronicle as well!

  2. Maskahu Maskahu
    Posted On Apr 29 2008

    There's really only cosmetic changes to the game, but they are pretty major. The script has been completely worked over and changed considerably. Many of the ability's names, and also some character's names have been changed ever so slightly. Other than that, it's really the same game.

    And I'm not gonna make it to the tournament, I'm kinda freaking out about finals, and being certain that I can graduate. I'd like to be on top of all my finals...for one of first times. :P

  3. Dynafire Dynafire
    Posted On Apr 29 2008

    Nice chronicle. Having a ton of games is a double-edged sword, I should know. Right now, I have roughly 20 games I need to finish, and it's really hard to do that when you're getting something new every couple of weeks. Are there any big differences between FFT on the PSP and PSX, or is it basically the same game?

    You coming to the GH3 tournament at Boston's this weekend?