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KidsFest 2008 has 4 chronicles
KidsFest's GH3 Tournament Winner
Player Chronicle -- Posted on Mar 10 2008
Congratulations to Jack Lepic! This little dude took home 1st place in our single elimination Guitar Hero 3 tournament on Saturday afternoon at KidsFest 2008.
Anthony Speorle gave him a great championship match, which you'll see when the KidsFest highlight video is released(soon). They went back and forth as they rocked Through The Fire & Flames on Expert, but Jack took home the gold and the glory that followed.
This small tournament within the larger event had around 20 participates and the only rule was you had to be UNDER 17 We gave away some cool GoG prizes for 1st and 2nd place and everyone had a great time. It brought alot of gamers over to our GoG area to watch and play one of the most popular games we had.
After Jack took the win, he challenged RyuBlitz because he had won the GoG IMAX Tournament! Unfortunately for Jack, RyuBlitz showed him how it was done and won by around 100K...but at least it showed this up and comer what's out there, haha. Once again, great job to everyone who rocked out and we'll see you again soon...
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KidsFest 2008 has 5 comment s on this chronicle.
Posted On Mar 23 2008keep rocking jack
Posted On Mar 22 2008Jack Lepic is the best gh3 player ever. I played him and he killed me!!! Go Jack!!
Sn1pe Warman
Posted On Mar 11 2008Go Anthony spoerl!
Posted On Mar 11 2008He already has "epic" in his name, so that automatically makes him the winner! Anywho, congrats to Jack, and everyone who went to this event - I wish I didn't live so far away (Dragonforce pun intended) or I would have shown up and helped out.
Posted On Mar 10 2008I played that kid before the contest and he dominated that was the first time i played in a couple months but he was still good