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dwigg has 13 chronicles

  1. dwigg Me on the news, about gaming

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on May 07 2010

    I was on a local TV channel some time ago, talking about why I think that no games should be banned. A 14 year old girl went on the news program and stated that she was going to protest and try to get the game Rapelay banned.

    I of course was kind of mad at this because first of all, what does a 14 year have any right to say anything about a mature game. Yes this game is sick, but it was published in Japan 4 years ago and the only way you can get it now is by downloading bootleg copies of it. So I decided to stand up as a gamer and let our side of the issue be heard for once.

    You can check out the interview here:

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Chronicle Comments

dwigg has 3 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. JackDaniels624 JackDaniels624
    Posted On May 08 2010

    We have a topic about this on the forums if you have the time to link it there! I already said what I have to say about the game over there, but my overall point was that I'd rather have an underage girl in a videogame be raped then ANYONE in real life.

    Also I do think the girl has the right to protest it, but unfortunately I think it's gonna backfire and draw more people to play the game, though my heart does go out to her, I can't even imagine what that must be like to her. And finally, thanks for standing up for us gamers Dwigg!

  2. A-Thon X A-Thon X
    Posted On May 08 2010

    Wow, this is indeed a slippery slope. I don't condone censorship, but if anything should be censored, its this game.

    I have to take issue with the various comments about this girls right to protest because of her age. First of all she has the same rights as any american. Just like we have the right to protest censorship, she has the right to protest this game. Second, she is actually a victim of sexual assault. I would say that certainly gives her a right to protest this game and from a perspective that none of the commenters have. When a victim of sexual assault starts defending this game, then we'll have a debate going.

    Also, how did she find it? cuz its on the internet, which if im not mistaken was part of the issue.

    I think we all agree that child pornography should be banned, so why not INTERACTIVE child pornography? Does that make any sense?
    Don't get me wrong, i understand that banning things just sets a precedent to ban more things later. And i don't want the gustapo beating down my door either, but this game shouldnt even exist.

    And the analogy about death being in video games aounting to pretty much the same thing is something i respectfully take issue with as well. In those games we're always on equal footing with our opponents. In fact often our opponents have the advantage. I'm guessing thats not the case here. (never played the game, never goiong to).

    On the other hand, like i said, banning anything just sets a precident to ban other things, and other things after that, etc, etc. Plus, videogames are fantasy. So if theystart with the videogames, how long will it be before its illegal to start saying or even thinking certain things.?

    Like i said, its a slippery slope. Thx for the great and thought provoking chronicle, DWigg.

  3. BEN BEN
    Posted On May 07 2010

    I see you got a lot of comments over on the news channel's website. I'm also glad they got the technical difficulties figured out Wink

    Thanks for sharing!