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The Antagonist has 9 chronicles

  1. The Antagonist Too Human Demo Reactions

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Aug 02 2008

    Recently released information by Microsoft has now indicated that the downloadable demo for Too Human has been downloaded over 900,000 times, making it the most downloaded action demo on the marketplace. Having played this demo like some many other, I thought I could take the time to share a few of my thoughts on this game.

    Too Human is an action RPG that is set in the future and based around Norse mythology. This is an interesting premise when it comes to video games. Having a combination of past and future idea come together in the same game, especially Norse mythology which has been greatly ignored when it comes to story telling in games. In the game, you play as a character of which there are five different classes. In the demo only one of the classes are unlocked, but through a bit of manipulation on your 360 all classes can be unlocked. The demo is a hefty hour long session which gives the player the ability to rank up his of her character enough to be able to get a glimpse of the characters special abilities. This game shows some signs of what could be a good game, but there are some noticeable flaws with this game that need to be addressed before the release date. Thus I give you the top five required changes for Too Human.

    1. The camera
    Sure all third person or overhead view action games will never have perfect camera control, but that shouldn’t stop developers from creating a camera that can be manipulated by the user so that the experience can be better. The camera in Too Human is something awful. The camera is almost completely out of the user’s control. The only thing the user can do to manipulate it is to re center it by pushing the left bumper. The camera makes running backwards as good as running blindfolded. There are some trigger volumes in the game that create a cinematic camera which completely take the camera out of the players control which sometimes causes battles to be extremely annoying.

    2. Particle Effects/Graphics
    A game that has been in production as long as Too Human has would be expected to have some ground breaking graphics, unfortunately this game does not. When you are being shot at with missiles and the explosions seem like a sprite that was found in a ps1 game, the game becomes less and less impressive. Not only are the particle effects lacking, but the environments seem to be dull and non interactive. This game needs some serious polishing before it is released.

    3. Animation.
    With the hardware that is available for game developers these days there is no reason why animation should not be at the top of its game. With games like assassin’s creed it is hard to imagine games where there is no animation for simply turning around, and yet this game presents just that. Animations are in very short supply in this game especially when it comes to pivoting in place. The character appears facing one direction and instantly appears in the next. The animation needs to be fixed for pivoting in one place.

    4. Character class differences
    When I played through the demo, I played through three times using three different classes. To me, all classes seemed to be very similar to me especially early on. Only until your character starts to rank up and gain individual abilities, does the character start to have a bit of individual appeal. It seems that the only differences at the beginning of the game were how much damage your character could deal out. The characters individuality need to be enhanced in the final game.

    5. Over simplistic combat
    The combat in Too Human is very simplistic in design. What it comes down to basically is the right thumb stick. Basically al the player has to do is point the thumb stick in the direction of the enemy and the character will do everything else. Yes there are some advanced moves the player can do, but it still all comes down to pointing the right thumb stick. This over simplistic design somewhat offends me as a hardcore gamer and makes me think if the game would have a lasting appeal at all.

    So there it is. Too Human shows some promise in its originality, but some technical problems haunt it. Hopefully the developers will address some of these issues before the game is released.

    Too Human is set for release on August 19th 2008.

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Chronicle Comments

The Antagonist has 5 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. CatBreeder CatBreeder
    Posted On Aug 04 2008

    Very good Chronicle.

    I can't wait to get this game.
    I pre-ordered it.
    Very Happy

  2. JackDaniels624 JackDaniels624
    Posted On Aug 03 2008

    Good review! I like the Norse mythology and everything, but what turns me off from the game is the combat. Which you covered very nicely...the most annoying part of it is the melee using the thumbstick which as a habit from other games, I try to change the camera!

  3. BEN BEN
    Posted On Aug 03 2008

    Hey, it's great to see you Chronicling again Very Happy

    Nice work on the forum post to accompany this Chronicle and you might even find a trailer to post (if you haven't already!)

    Anyways, this game sounds pretty interesting. Although I don't get too much into RPG's, I may have to check this one out!

  4. The Antagonist The Antagonist
    Posted On Aug 02 2008

    What did you think of the camera? This was my biggest gripe with this game.

  5. Sn1pe Warman Sn1pe Warman
    Posted On Aug 02 2008

    I have only played it with the Champion and Bio-engineer and I really can't wait to see the overall turnout.