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A-Thon X has 32 chronicles

  1. A-Thon X Really Late Review: MadWorld

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Apr 26 2010

    Do you believe in love at first sight? Well, it applies to games to. Of course i'm gonna pay attention when news comes down the pike that Nintendo's is gonna have a mature title coming out, but when i first saw the game, i was very impressed. A lot of ppl equated the black and white style as a thinly veiled attempt to by pass the Wii's limited processing power, and that may well be true, but it was also a stroke of genius in my opinion.

    The b/w noir look is a great art direction and something that just seems wholey original. And speaking of art direction, i was very impressed with the character design. Since this is basically wrestling (to the death) the characters need to be intersting and visually appealing, and i applaud whoever was responsible for thinking up the wide variety of ecclectic opponents and their unique looks. The game is just gorgeous to look at, very animated and kinetic. And being in black and white really helps to add emphasis to the blood, and there is a LOT of blood. But its never done in an grissly-over-the-top way (well, maybe it is :P ) but its more comical than anything else. Like an extreme episode of the three stooges.

    The Combat, i thought, was satisfying. I heard a lot of complaints about the amount of repitition involved in the combat. And i can definetly see why they feel that way. But this isn't God of War. Where as Kratos's main objective is to simply wipe out every enemy on screen, Jack's goal is to wipe out every enemy on screen with a certain amount of flair and style, which is gonna take some practice. So in that respect, the repitition kind of works for you. It was kind of frustrating trying to pull off one of these stylish moves while surrounded by enemies who drop kick you if you EVER stop moving, but there are levels of success, so you don't need to be perfect to enjoy the game.

    And i didnt like the fact that special moves cinematics lacked variety. It was mostly the same scenes over and over. I wouldve liked to see several different scenes for each enemy.

    The story was also enjoyable. If you liked Swartzaneggers Running Man, or even Death Race (the original) then you are going to like this game. Its just so zany and wild and over the top with an intersting narrative. Its not poetry by any means, but its good.

    Overall, its was a good time. The story wasn't too deep, but it does hold your interest, and fighting and dispatching enemies in a variety of humerous and maniacal ways is inventive and fun and gets the creative juices flowing. Theres is a certain amout of strategy involved, after all. Its a good game, and worth your money. And i fully plan to play through again. Very Happy

    P.S. And yes, i realize i'll prolly have to eat some crow regarding earlier comments about violence (or lack of) on the Wii and decapitated bodies and what not. :P lolz

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Chronicle Comments

A-Thon X has 2 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. A-Thon X A-Thon X
    Posted On Apr 27 2010

    LoLz well, i suppose it could mean either one since their both true. But i only beat MadWorld a few days ago. And i wrote the review a little after midnight. :P

  2. BEN BEN
    Posted On Apr 27 2010

    This game was fun to try, but I didn't play too deep into it. It was pretty violent, but the artistic style kept it from feeling very it was on the Wii, lol. jk, 8/10 on this review.

    I'm enjoying these "Real Late Reviews", so keep them coming my friend. I'm also wondering if REAL LATE means that you're behind on writing the review, or if you wrote the review late at night? haha