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SilverOnith has 7 chronicles

  1. SilverOnith Sugar High

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Dec 02 2009

    No, I'm not strung out on sugar...yet.

    I just thought the phrase would be an appropriate way to describe the intense giddiness that's been plauging me for the past few days.

    First off (and most importantly), I've recieved my package. It's like freaking christmas came early. Pictures forthcoming.

    Secondly (and even more awesome than the first), things are looking up in terms of my attendance to the GoG 5,000. We're still shit broke, but money has seemed to relax a bit, and it's slowly improving. If anything, I would have gotten a job by then and have had enough money saved to pay for the gas. Very Happy I'm hell bent on getting there. ...although the thought of resorting to hitch-hiking intimidates me. Oh well. So long as I have a towel on me, I should be fine. Laughing

    I've been planting links on my guild, so I know at least a few of them have signed up.

    I've also gotten permission to drop links on a few other forums I frequent, so hopefully this will help to boost our numbers.

    I haven't posted any fliers around town yet, being that these last few days have been hectic, what with Turkey Day, and a bunch of other things that I will go into detail later.

    Related to gaming...

    I've been attempting to speed my way through Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. The purpose of this is to start memorizing objectives, so that I can start actually speed running (much like I have done for Metroid: Zero Mission).

    I've hit something unexpected.

    Apparently, I didn't realize I had Alucard beefed up, and holding the Mormgeil.

    I took one too many swings at Richter Belmont, and triggered the false ending.

    It was kind of shocking, because I've never done this before. I've always managed to break Richter out of his posession, and move on to the inverted castle. There's a first for everything I suppose. I still cringed at the voice acting though. Especially since I was playing in front of an audience.

    I've also finally gotten past the water temple in Majora's Mask, with five minutes to spare until total destruction. *has a brief daydream about Majora's Mask and 'all your base'. *makes notes for next video*

    I had a near heart attack trying to kick Gyorg's ass. I'm very glad I snagged five fairies beforehand.

    I finally got my hands on Fable 2. So far, I've been watching my Dad play (he's hogging the X-box right now, and probably won't stop until he's finished it. He's dedicated like that) and I can't wait to start my own game. So far, he's been following the path of the hero. So, obviously, once I start up, I'm going to be a complete and total asshole.

    I'm going to claim 'chicken kicker' from the town crier as soon as possible. XD

    Now, for a bit of sad news.

    Do you remember MooMoo? Majora Kitteh? If you don't, you need to see the video on my profile to experiance his awesomeness.

    Anyway...we had to give him up. It was getting harder to support him, and due to my obligation to (the now deceased) Miss Mary, Sadie wasn't going anywhere.

    Besides, he had fleas, and it was only a matter of time before the more squeamish of us (Mom) would fly into a rage and kick him out.

    I still have his mask.

    It's not all that big of a deal for me, or any of us, really. We're just happy to know that he'll find a good home, and hopefully won't spread the jumping bastards to the next person to take him in.

    Play him off, keyboard cat...

    Next update will be in a few days, and brimming with awesomeness, such as pictures of the awesome gear BEN sent my way (eternal grattitude for that. No, seriously. Those Grip-its? I could use a sexual analogy to describe thier useage.) along with details of my halloween costume (finally!), and perhaps a few entries for the Quest.

    I think I'm going to start leaving featured links and stuff in my chronicles...

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Chronicle Comments

SilverOnith has 1 comment on this chronicle.

  1. BEN BEN
    Posted On Dec 02 2009

    Wow, what a great update and I hope you can join us for the GoG 5,000 Party. Having Oklahoma also represented will be awesome!

    Also, thanks for spreading the word and let's continue to work towards that 5,000 mark. Links on other websites, forum conversations, and even your other social media (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, ect.) can help raise awareness of this unique video game community.

    Lastly, it sounds like you're going to join us for the GoGcast tonight, so that'll be awesome and we'll chat with you jump into the GoG Forum and get involved with a few new conversations Wink