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SoulDagger has 1 chronicle
Player Chronicle -- Posted on Apr 16 2008
I have become a resident of Middle Earth, thanks to Turbine and Midway. If anyone cares to try out the Lord of the Rings Online: The Shadows of Angmar, they'll need to have a decent rig. I'm sporting an AMD 3000+ proc, 3 GB ram, and an nVidia 7600GT graphics card, and I have to play at the medium setting to avoid unacceptable lag. Even at medium res tho, this game looks amazing! Turning everything up to high is just nostalgic!
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SoulDagger has 2 comment s on this chronicle.
Posted On Apr 17 2008I hear ya Ben. I does take a lot to keep up these days in the PC department. I've tried some console MMO's though, like Final Fantasy XI Online (PS2) and Phantasy Star Online (360), but they didn't keep my interest too long. I'm hoping there's an amazing MMO title being slated to take advantage of the PS3's power! Seems like for MMO's, the best so far are PC based, but I'm sure that'll change soon.
I'll post some screenies and video soon...Thanks! -
Posted On Apr 17 2008That's what I love/hate about PC video games, is the hardware you have to have to support the amazing graphics.
Not only do you have to have the PC guts, but the monitor is important too and staying up to date on all that technology is a challenge to keep consistent within the system and even more on the pocket book
Take some screenshots and put another Chronicle together for a full video game review!