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Sqorpion has 1 chronicle

  1. Sqorpion Myopic Shift and Signs of RA

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Feb 16 2009

    Bad news for me……I had a myopic shift which means my eye sight dropped significantly within 5 months. The doctors tested my blood and it came out negative for Diabetes. Scorn me but I wouldn’t have mind being pre-diabetic as I would have had chances of recovering my eye sight. I need to go for another test to see if there are any other causes. I have also been having problems with my joints and I have been showing signs of early Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am only 26! Maybe this is related to my drop in eye sight, bloodshot eyes and eye discomfort. I think my reactive body is attacking itself. It’s been a while since I have picked up weights or gone for a run and even worst I have been eating badly too. My body is very sensitive to food likes whole wheat and dairy. I might need to lay off the controls, exercise and go on a diet.

    So either I b**** or get my s*** together. It’s just been hard to get the ball rolling. I have no motivation on my own.

    I am also sick of everyone thinking I’m fine because I “look” fit…..

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Chronicle Comments

Sqorpion has 2 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. DecipherOne DecipherOne
    Posted On Feb 16 2009

    I actually had a similar scare late last year. I was diagnosed with a condition called central serous chorioretinopathy, which is a retinal fluid leakage in the eye(s),my vision cleared up a bit sense then, but it's a condition that can potentially lead to blindness. I'm only 25, so I know how you're feeling. I also wasn't eating all that great at the time due to being on the road all the time, and wasn't exercising really at that time either.

    Even knowing about the condition it's still challenging to do all the things that I need to do to be healthy. One thing that helps me though is really understanding that if I don't change habits and live healthier, the quality of life could greatly decrease for me. This is great motivation, and allows me to stay on a good path.

    I wouldn't recommend ditching the gaming though. As with most things, just make sure you doing things in moderation, take care of the more important aspects of your life first, then get to the gaming when there's time available.

    Sorry to hear about your condition, and best of luck to you.

  2. BEN BEN
    Posted On Feb 16 2009

    You don't need to fall away from gaming, just look into some DDR or Guitar Hero instead Laughing

    Seriously though, I hope you get to feeling better and I'm also on the road back to being fit, so I know it's hard to get started but it sure feels good when you get back in the swing of things!

    Either way, stay active here Shocked