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Team Foxy has 25 chronicles

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    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Oct 16 2009

    Gameinatrix has a long standing tradition of paying homage to women who are outstanding in their chosen field in the gaming industry. With the launch of our new site, we wanted to come out swinging and thought it only fitting that we pick some of the rising stars of gaming. On these digital pages that follow are the women that that are sure to become living gaming legends. And now we present to you those Bad Assed Gamer Chics circa 2010...

    Name: Shay Moore Gamertag: “Foxy Prince55” or “TF COD Princess”

    Position: COD LEADER (COD WAW leader) and will be the COD MW2 leader

    Goals: My goals for the future are: to make my own video game. Also to be on the top of the leader boards at MLG in MW2. i would love to see team foxy make it to the end!

    Why I am in Team Foxy: I am in the clan because I am a competitive gamer. I love to be on an all girl clan so I tried out for TEAM FOXY and made it. I invited to be on the squad by one of it’s current members at the time. We were just playing a game in a room and came across a few girls that were playing, they told me to come to practice and to check out the website and I did. So, here I am. I am a leader for the best clan ever!

    Games I like to play: I love fps, I love COD4, COD WAW, sometimes I get on Halo3(not much though because I do suck at that game) but then again I love to sing. So, I play LIPS, GH, RB, American idol. yes I said it.. lol. I like left for dead, bio shock, if I can shoot something I like it. (Except Gears) I cant seem to grasp that as of right now. I keep getting stuck up against shit.

    Upcoming events I am participating in: As for right now with the COD WAW division we dont do MLG there is no spot open for that. we do play game battles though and we are always looking for other tourneys to play in. we skrim alot with the #4 team on GB to help us get better. But as for events, what we are doing is going to the events and supporting the other TEAM FOXY girls. Support is a big thing in Team Foxy.

    Name: Dana Gamertag: “J” ( for Jade)

    Position: I am a Leader over the entire organization of Team Foxy consisting of Halo 3, GOW2, COD4, & COD:WAW. I spend most of my time in Halo 3 since I compete in the game, but I also do spend alot of time with all the Call of Duty girls.

    Goals: N/A

    Why I am in Team Foxy: Team Foxy is about having and developing the best girl gamers on multiple games and soon multiple platforms. We strive to succeed beyond our predecessors and be recognized not only for beauty but for our raw talent. Girl gamers who are seeking the same ideals naturally flock to us because they are looking for what our entire organization has developed: Friendship, Talent, & Competitiveness.

    Games I like to play: - I greatly enjoy playing Call of Duty 4 to take a break from Halo 3, but I also play: Fable 3, Batman Dark Asylum, Shadow Complex, Gears of War 2, Call of Duty: World at War, Guitar Hero: World Tour, Assassin's Creed, Fallout, Bioshock, and many more...

    Upcoming events I am participating in: - I recently just returned from MLG Dallas which was a blast. Now I am getting myself and the Team Foxy girls ready for MLG Anahiem & VGXPO which are both just around the corner.

    Name: Kelly Kelley Gamertag: “Mrs Violence”

    Position: Gears of War 2 Co-Leader

    Goals: N/A

    Why I am in Team Foxy: To help the gears of war division grow and develop into a stronger and more dominating division like halo. My personal goals are to see that gears is a more team based game, so females can come together closer and become a stronger unit while playing this game.

    Games I like to play: Call of Duty 4 MW. Assassins Creed (I have the Tattoo to prove it), Bioshock, Rainbow Six Vegas, Splinter Cell.

    Upcoming events I am participating in: WCG US Finals in NYC.

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