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MLG Dallas 2010 has 4 chronicles
Airport Security Shows Love for Ciroc
Player Chronicle -- Posted on Nov 06 2010
I'm somewhat of a fine vodka connoisseur.
As Im Marksman and I arrived at the airport to fly down to MLG Dallas 2010, I realized that one of my carry on bags had a mini bottle of Ciroc in it. I originally had planned to check this back, so that's why I made the mistake. Anyways, we get moving through KCI airport security and of course, my bag is flagged to be hand checked. This obviously has me thinking this special bottle of Ciroc vodka will soon be wasted, but hold on!
With my boyish charm, I talked with the security gal while she searched my bag full of gaming equipment, GoG swag, and this special little Ciroc. Along with our nice conversation and her shared enjoyment with vodka, she spoke to the security manager and they let me keep it, lol
This 200ml bottle is way over the 4 oz. limit we're all used to, so I had to share this fun story that got MLG Dallas 2010 off to a great start
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MLG Dallas 2010 has 1 comment on this chronicle.
lady smashley
Posted On Nov 06 2010Hahaha, that's great. Real smoooth Ben!