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JustAnotherLevel has 2 chronicles

  1. JustAnotherLevel Journal Entry: Gamers naming their children

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Aug 04 2010

    I went out to eat with my dad and younger brother this afternoon and a funny topic came up.

    Dad: I originally had hoped to name you Vet and your brother Nick
    Me: Vet? Really...I donno
    Dad: Yea like corvette!
    Younger Brother: I would like to be called Lazerith.
    Dad: haha what? You are an elf now?
    Me: If I have a kid I should name him Frodo
    Younger Brother: Samwise will be my kids name~!
    (We are a bit odd when it comes to dinner conversations)

    It got me thinking....What would I name my kid? My younger brother is very intent on our future children being partners in crime/best friends/fantasy characters. But, I can't see myself having a little "Frodo Baggins" running around my house. How weird that would be. Do any of you guys have funny ideas for naming your future spawn?

    I think for girls: Garnet, Melfina, Luccia, Sora

    And maybe for guys: Glenn , Guile, Dario, Delita, Kefka

    That is all I can think of so far...Well that sound normal anyways lol

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