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Play-testing at GAME REFUGE...

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  1. GoblinBob GoblinBob
    Posted On Jan 28 2008

    It's what people think you do all day;
    but the reality is that it's sometimes difficult to stop working and just have fun.

    When people see our games, they often observe " looks like you had a lot of fun developing it..." So I thought I'd share a YouTube clip that provides a glimpse into a side of the process that sometimes can get lost in the struggle for technical perfection... the FUN.

    A local newsman described our offices as having "...a treehouse atmosphere."
    We like it that way.

    The Clip above (and the Photos on my Profile) is pretty much what every nook, cranny and cubicle at here at Game Refuge looks like; ...we surround ourselves with toys, action figures, posters, hundreds of books, movies, magazines and of course, games of every shape and size. And it's not just our environment, we try to immerse ourselves completely in our projects.

    Part of the beauty of game development is that 30 seconds after making a change, you can be testing those changes. But testing a function is not the same as Playtesting: which requires you to take your developer hat off and enjoying your creation as it was meant to be enjoyed.

    Playtesting is an essential, yet surprisingly overlooked, part of the process. We playtest constantly; and when we're exhausted, we drag in kids from local high schools and colleges. It's exhilarating when they laugh, heartbreaking when they scowl, but it's always incredibly helpful.

    Folks interested in seeing more of what we do here should visit the GRI Web sites or


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