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Misfit8488 has 5 chronicles
Happy New Year!
Player Chronicle -- Posted on Jan 01 2010
I know it's still a bit early here (EST), but I wanted to wish everyone at GoG an amazing New Years and I hope you all have a blast! If your drinking, don't get too drunk! But then again, I may be the one getting too drunk.
And once the new year rolls around, I PROMISE I will post a new review since I've been slacking. Left 4 Dead 2 was my next one, but Bayonetta will be my newest entry. Everyone knows L4D2 is awesome, but everyone should know how good Bayonetta is!
But anyway, have a fun and safe New Year!
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Silent Bob
Posted On Jan 01 2010Happy 2010 to all the GoG community. We had an all night lock-in at Cyber Ops, with our customary sparkling grape juice toast when the ball dropped at midnight.
I'm already looking forward to some of my pre-ordered games the first bit of January, including the ridiculously over-the-top Bayonetta.