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A-Thon X has 32 chronicles

  1. A-Thon X Really Late Reviews: X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apoalypse; PSP

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Oct 20 2010

    X-Men Legends II was released in 2005...and i just beat it last night. So yeah, this review is kinda late, but i figured what the hell, that never stopped me before.

    The story is derived from the Ultimate line of comic books, but me being a fan of the classics, changed the skins to the more conventional outfits. But if you're not a comic book reader, fret not. The game explains everything to you. Even introduces ppl that i'm assuming the characters have already known for yrs by this point. After awhile it was kind of annoying having them ask who ppl who they were when i already knew, but this might be a benefit for those who arent familiar with the franchise. Plus, Apocalypse is one of my favorite villians. His involvement alone makes it worthwhile.

    The gameplay was a little bewildering at first. I don't really have a whole lot of RPG experience. But once i realized it plays remarkebly similiar to World of Warcraft and started playing it through that context it got a lot easier, since i'd already gotten all my rpg experience from WoW.
    Several things did frustrate me though. For one, my Main Character (Cyclops) was sometimes a pain to aim. i would think i was aiming right at an enemy only to shoot off to the side. His stance and the direction his head was turned often confused me as to which direction he would actually be firing in, so several times i wasted power or a specialty weapon.
    Also, the levels were very large and labyrinthine. Now ive never played this game on a console, so i don't know if the level designs work in that context, but on a handheld spending all that time backtracking and getting lost was often frustrating and tedious. I went days (even a week or two) at a time without playing it simply because i wasn't in the mood to traverse the long levels aimlessly and fight hordes of foes, who always seemed more baddass than me.
    Which brings up another point. Even though i leveled up to the best of my noobish abilities, at no point during the game did i feel like an asskicker. Sometimes the only way i could survive was to stock up on health and energy packs and just use them very liberally. Despite careful management of all items and utilizing all available resources (like the Danger Room) i always seemed to be on equal footing, if not outright inferior, to my enemies.

    Graphically its pretty cut and dry. I mean it is five yrs old, but i never even though about graphics while i was playing. The game looks great and all the characters are animated very nicely. I did look forward to cutscenes though as i got to see characters that i enjoy brought to life in a very exciting way.

    Extras are plentiful in this game. For a "Connoisseur" like me, seeing all the fan service was a treat. I enjoyed playing with all the different charcters and collecting sketchbooks and comic book missions. I played with different costumes for my favorite charcters and created my own dream team that looked exactly how i wanted them to look. And Playable comic book missions mean that even after you've beaten the game, it doesnt have to go right back into the case.

    Overall, it was a good game. I don't know if i'd call it great, but i definetly liked it and will continue to play it in the future with a myriad combination of characters. It could be tedious at times, especially while exploring the giant levels, but who can pass up the opportunity to play as their favorite X-Man? Not this guy. Very Happy Ninja

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