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A-Thon X has 32 chronicles

  1. A-Thon X Should the highest quality be the standard?

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Mar 02 2010

    This is just a random thought that came to me one day, that i decided to go with. Don't worry everyone, this isn't another one of my pro-Nintendo rants, though it is certainly applicable in that regard. It actually came to me while watching a comparison between the same game on the PC and on the X-Box. I forget the name of that game, but another recent example is Risen for both PC and Xbox as seen in this Zeitgeist review :
    And i started thinking about whether or not we should be making the highest abilities of game and technology the standard by which we judge everything else.
    In most industries you have poor product, average product, and exceptional product. Now granted it should always be the goal of any industry to always provide an exceptional product, but average is ok to.
    The video game industry seems to have skipped the middle man in this regard. If a game is not exceptional, it is considered poor. Some video game studios are capable of putting out an extremely advanced product in terms of graphics and technology. And later it seems that these high standards become the only acceptable standard for gaming.
    Can you imagine what the industry would be like if every game had to look as good or better than the best PS3 game? Sometimes it feels like thats whats going on.
    As far as Nintendo, lately ive been hearing a lot more valide arguments as to why theses games are not up to par. Arguments that i can understand and agree with. But we should remember that graphics are just one small part of the equation, and that you can't always judge a game by its engine. I guess thats about it. Just a random thought really, but one that i felt compelled to share with the community here.

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Chronicle Comments

A-Thon X has 1 comment on this chronicle.

  1. johnbiz10301 johnbiz10301
    Posted On Mar 02 2010

    Very good and I do agree anything gaming is either amazing or bad. I personally have a lot of top of the line things in regards to gaming, PS3, Triton Headset, ION Drums for RB, Grip-its, I'm getting FPS Freaks, and for recording an HD PVR. I think there is a reason for there not to be good games, because it is about enjoyment. If a game is fun it is considered great and if it is not it is considered poor. This is different in other products that aren't as much about enjoyment, but are general every day products, everything from a shirt and shoes, to a car. I'm a sports fan personally, and to me, teams are either awesome or bad from a viewing stand point. I'm personally a Cubs and and last season I was ready to cry watching them play, but watching a team like the Phillies, who I really have no interest in, was amazing. Obviously sports are different but it has the same kind of thing you are talking about. That is my input on the situation