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A-Thon X has 32 chronicles

  1. A-Thon X It oughta be a game: The Music of Eric Zann

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Jan 24 2010

    I always thought it was a shame that the Guitar ,as a peripheral, wasn't more versatile. Its no doubt one of the coolest controllers ever made, and it seems a waste that it can only be used on a handful of games.

    I've often imagined what it would be like to use the guitar to play an action adventure game. And this is what lead me to remember a great story i once read by H.P.Lovecraft called The Music of Eric Zann.

    The basic premise of this story is that a college student moves into an apartment building and hears strange music coming from his neighbors apartment. I don't want to give too much away but after you've read the story, i think you'll agree that it wouldn't take much to turn this story into a game.

    The difference between this game and other music games would be that while in most music games you're just trying to make it through a song, this game would have levels and enemies to overcome. The "Combat" would probrably be similiar to most Guitar Hero and RockBand boss battles. The level progression and design would be similiar to a rail shooter.

    If you can imagine a rail shooter where you use a guitar instead of a gun, and notes instead of bullets, and you're fighting cosmic horrors, then you have a good idea of where i'm trying to go with this game. Its just too cool to let pass, and i think it could really work and make the guitar more than just a niche item.

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Chronicle Comments

A-Thon X has 2 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. JackDaniels624 JackDaniels624
    Posted On Jan 25 2010


    Also the book sounds interesting!

  2. SweetIceCream SweetIceCream
    Posted On Jan 24 2010

    this does sound like a pretty cool idea