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A-Thon X has 32 chronicles

  1. A-Thon X Review: The Conduit

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Aug 14 2009

    Now i'm sure everyone has already seen or read at least one review of The Conduit. You've probrably heard about the sub-par graghics and repetitive scenery. You've probrably heard about the uninspired story. You may have even heard something about the controls. Most of what you've heard is probrablly true.
    Despite the fact that i've resigned myself to like this game no matter what, i've never been in denial about the Wii's limitations. I've read that the graghics are a throw-back to the 90's, and they are. scenery seems so familiar, and then you realize that you''ve seen it before, in numerous other games. I shot a cardboard box, and it sparked. Seriously. Very little of the environment was destructible, which surprised me because even GoldenEye had destructible environments.
    I know a lot of ppl think the story is cliche, but i like it. Granted i haven't finished the game yet, but the story has thus far held my interest. Plus Kevin Sorbo is my contact. XD
    Controls. This is a funny one. The controls were praised on Attack of the Show, and completely condemned on Zero Punctuation. The control scheme is really a matter of opinion, which is why the controls for The Conduit are 100% customizable. Sometimes its kinda hard to turn around quick. Thats my only complaint about the controls. It took some getting used to, but once i started to channel my inner Samus, it got noticably easier.
    the Conduit is far from the perfect game. But with people discussing graghic engines, control schemes, story and plot, one thing seems to have gotten left out. Is it fun to play. See, before the video game industry went mainstream people spent less time trying to impress others with elaborate jargon and more time talking about what they enjoyed about playing the game. I enjoy playing The Conduit. I enjoy playing the campaign. I really enjoy playing the multi-player. The fact that no one can speak has been a plus, if you've ever been on X-Box Live you know what i'm talking about. I'm free to compete in a stress/pressure free environment, and itas actually fun.
    So The Conduit is no Halo killer by any stretch of the imagination, but it is fun. So if you still play games for fun, then pick this up. If not, then don't.

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