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A-Thon X has 32 chronicles

  1. A-Thon X And now a word on Team-killing

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Jul 23 2009

    I've been meaning to write this one for sometime, but i always cool off after the game and got other things to do, etc. I don't know how bad this phenomenon is on other online games, but it seems to be a real issue on Halo 3. Team-killing. Getting killed by your own team mates. Now there have been several instances when they killed me and other simply because they thought it was funny or because they were jerks (same thing), But for the most part i'm killed for the sniper rifle, and sometimes (though much less frequently) the shotgun. So i'm talking to all the team killers out there. If you NEED the sniper rifle to win a game, then maybe you're just not as good as you think you are. If you NEED the shotgun to win a match, then maybe you're just not as good as you think you are. Maybe you just suck. Which isn't so bad in and of itself. I dont play Halo to be competitive. I play because its fun. Whats NOT fun is being betrayed by someone who's supposed to have my back, for a Sniper Rifle so so he can take a few sots, and MISS all of them. Guns don't win battles, peaple do. I know it sounds cliche, and theres a reason for that. Thats because its true. I've been beat repeatedly using every gun in the game by someone with a "weaker" gun who was just better. I've seen peaple (my brother for one) go on killing spree's with the pistol. I once took out a spartan brandishing a shotgun with a pistol ( a particularly proud moment for me). My point is that its just a gun. You want to win matches try building skill, which would be very much expedited by picking the "weaker" guns, not the "stronger" ones. Or even better than skill, Team work. If youd spend less time betraying your team and more time helping them, you just might be unstoppable. Teamwork trumps skill. Teamwork trumps weapons. Teamwork is the whole point of the game. Later.

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