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SilverOnith has 7 chronicles

  1. SilverOnith I'm back!

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Apr 30 2010

    Wow, that was a pretty long break, wasn't it? I could probably come up with some bullshit about my internet being cut (which actually happened a few times during my 'break'), but truth be told, my brain leaked out of my ears and I forgot my account info here. D:


    Not only that, but it really wasn't on my mind. I kinda dropped out of gaming a bit to focus on art and generally working towards being totally awesome.

    That's right. I said it. I'm going to be awesome. I even made an epic speech at the dinner table that made my mom cry. True story.

    If I can bug my Dad into driving me, I'll be selling some of my art to a local tattoo shop for some quick cash, and once I get my paypal set up, I'll be taking commissions and selling the rest of my vaguely artsy stuff.

    ...After I get this list of over 34 sketches done. Oi.

    On the topic of game-related stuff, I've gotten into Silent Hill thanks to one of my friends in my LOK guild, and goddamn am I hooked. I can't see how I've missed it, since I already have games 1-4.

    I've also finally gotten a taste of Modern Warfare, thanks to my uncle, who you might have met as BronxKid.

    After watching him play a bit online, we went head to head for a while. The first three kills went to him, after which we were pretty even the rest of the match.

    He has more of a 'charge in and shoot you in the skull' sort of strategy in head to head, but I've noticed online that he liked to plant claymores and camp.

    Most of the time I resorted to hiding and stabbing/sniping him like a ninja.

    Spawns are naturally across the map; I start running closer, and find a spot to settle. Most of the time he would use grenades or turrets to pinpoint my location, by looking for the blast on my screen. So I'd end up running from place to place while looking at the ground to avoid being discovered. That's where the radar comes in handy. (Although there were moments where I would run out of cover in plain sight without realizing it.)

    Most of the time, I'd end up hiding behind a bush or crate and stabbing him once he passes by. I mostly like to deal with melee, so I had to get used to using the guns more often, since I would die before I got within stabbing range.

    I might have lost by a few hundred points every match, but at least every kill was an exciting one.

    Once I get my PSN account set up, I should be able to play online every few weeks whenever I visit him.

    That's it from me. I should probably head off to the forums and catch up with everything.

    Speaking of which, how was the GoG 5000? I wasn't able to make it (obviously) due to both money and time constraints, and I'm not likely to make it to any other events out of state until things change for the better.

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Chronicle Comments

SilverOnith has 1 comment on this chronicle.

  1. JackDaniels624 JackDaniels624
    Posted On May 01 2010

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey to be completely awesome! It may be hard, but being awesome is awesome. It's also filled with tiny bits of awesome in there too, but primarily it's just awesome.

    And unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to the 5k either...I did stay up with Ding and made thousands of babies. True story! True stories are awesome! OMG tie-ins!!! Shocked