The Iowa Pro Gaming Challenge The Iowa Pro Gaming Challenge

Tournament Seeker

Video Game Tournaments

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E3 2009 has 8 chronicles

  1. E3 2009 So It Begins...

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on May 29 2009

    Well, we've sent out numerous responses to setup specific appointments with a lot of the best companies that will be represented at E3 2009!

    Last year, I made around zero appointments and was able to connect a ton of information, so hopefully with a more organized approach, our team of RyuBlitz, BasketBabe, and I will be able to provide this entire video game community some awesome insight on what's to come Shocked

    BasketBabe will be scoping things out for us on Tuesday, then RyuBlitz and I will be arriving Tuesday night for the show on Wednesday and Thursday. Obviously this means we'll miss some of the big press conferences, but hopefully we'll get up close and personal with those companies and provide a more unique perspective of their news and announcements Wink

    NOTE: Keep adding to BasketBabe's Chronicle and the E3 2009 forum conversation, and we'll do our best to bring you the news you want!

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Chronicle Comments

E3 2009 has 1 comment on this chronicle.

  1. JackDaniels624 JackDaniels624
    Posted On May 29 2009

    Why can't she use the forums?