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O_L_G has 4 chronicles

  1. O_L_G Anything good or worth to play out there?

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on May 22 2009

    Hi, Here I am GOG players, this one goes to ask any of you with real good taste for great games, and my question is : what's good outhere?...what a slow year...not everyone likes sports, fps, rpg , and futuristic robotic shooting know?...and that's my can see my taste in the games list...and that's been so far for me lately, with a 2 or 3 more titles not listed, but telling , I swing by BB today and guess...what I found?...Terminator!!! the one about the movie...and I said please!!!!, c'mon, c'mon...what's going on in the gaming world?....
    I read an article last time , about remaking classics games, and I mean Old school stuff like "Jackal"...remember that?...all those prisioners saying help! help! and somebody blows you out...well anyway that was an example of a classic remake...and the companies say...they can not do it...because we would lose the nostalgia on replaying those games...oh...please...c'mon...we need something to makes us rejoice...not something senseless...if only classics will comeback , that's just the case of MGS , did we lose nostalgia on it?...not think so...even some have to go and replay from the first game in order to really understand MGS 4....just a point ...any one knows about any new stuff worth playing on the making?...not a rpg,fsp,etc...just action & more of a real time fiction and with real to the day weapons....

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Chronicle Comments

O_L_G has 3 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. Posted On May 24 2009

    Hey man, you should check out the xboxlive marketplace and see what treasures you could find in there!!

  2. O_L_G O_L_G
    Posted On May 24 2009

    yeah, that's right...we have to keep playing games we like over and over...I really like all the rockband games...and I think is also a great game, only thing is I think Im good at the singing part only...we have them already...but Im not playing always... I see you like Hitman...that series is awesome...just waiting for the PS3 new game...thanks for leaving your comment...take care

  3. JackDaniels624 JackDaniels624
    Posted On May 22 2009

    Dude I love Jackal! I actually played that again a few weeks ago! And about yourquestion...well, I'm kind of in the same boat. I was browsing Gamefly and really didn't find much appealing to me, so I'm back to playing Rock Band 2 again.