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Neshasha has 7 chronicles

  1. Neshasha My life in Animal Crossing

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Feb 16 2009

    It's 11:30 at night and the snow is gently falling from the sky. Every one is happy. This is my life in Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Wii.

    I am bored so I decide to walk around town talking to random characters in the game, when I come across a snowball that is moving all by its self. to my amazement there is a little bug pushing the snowball around and causing the ball to get bigger. So I thought "maybe I can catch it!" And I pull out my trusty net and take a swing at the tiny little bug, and miss . oh well next time right? I walk a little further away and I see another snowball. I freeze waiting excitedly for it to move.. No it doesn't . So I get an Idea make a snow man. I get to work rolling the snowballs to make one bigger than the other one.. Just one problem, I don't have another snowball. Hmmm. I search the whole town looking for a fluffly little white ball, and fail at finding one. So I go back to my two that I have and put them together. They murge and I have a half of a snowman! yay, I clap in delight and then I click on the snowman. And to my shock he speaks!! Here is what my lovely snowman said:

    "It's a shame, though. Here I am with my decidedly better-than-average looks.... I want folks far and wide to check out my big debut! You know, Stroll around, shake hands, Kiss babies. But as you can see I've got no legs. Guess I'll have to be content with quietly smiling at passengers go by.. Kinda sad, really"

    So my happy claping and excitement that I have over my smiling half snowman turned quickly to a horrible frown.

    I have a happy go lucky town with a smiling half snowman that deep down wants to kill himself because his maker cant build him right...*sigh*

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Chronicle Comments

Neshasha has 1 comment on this chronicle.

  1. Sqorpion Sqorpion
    Posted On Feb 16 2009

    Are you serious? I never tried making a snow man............