Video Game Tournaments
Whether it's a website for your own company, ad space on The GoG, or video game related tournaments/events, reviews, photos, and videos...Jet Set Studio can help you connect with your market in ways you'd never imagine. Let us know if you have any ideas, comments, or questions and we'll look forward to working with you to accomplish your visibility goals...
Jet Set Studio

BasketBabe has 3 chronicles
E3 2009
Player Chronicle -- Posted on May 27 2009
Hi Everyone! So I will be attending E3, thanks to BEN, and I'm extremely excited to be attending this convention with BEN and his company.
I understand that some people may what to know about some up coming video games. Well, I would like to know what your thoughts are and if you wanted any information about new games that are coming out...I will do some GoG Chronicles to answer your questions after (and maybe even during) the show!
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BasketBabe has 3 comment s on this chronicle.
Posted On May 29 2009tony hawk : ride
im super interested in because of the control that is an actual skateboard deck. -
Posted On May 27 2009OMG! I would love to go you are so lucky. Ok Ok here are some things that would be really cool if they had.
1. Of course any new halo news.
2. Any new XBLA games i love those.
3. Anything on the crytic engine ( i heard alot of games are going towards that)
Hope you have fun and take some pics! -
Posted On May 26 2009Awesome Job Basketbabe!! <3 This is really an amazing opportunity!!! Totally Jealous, Have fun and soak it allllll IN!