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Spitfire668 has 1 chronicle

  1. Spitfire668 BF2 Fun

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Apr 17 2008

    I realized I didn't have any chronicles and my profile looked really empty, so I thought I would make at least one.

    So, I just got back in to BF2 the other day and I have been playing quite a bit. Yesterday I jumped in a game and was doing pretty good. I was 10/5 about 5min in to the map, and next thing I know a guy that I happened to kill 2 times starts claiming I am a hacker. Now with a score of 10/5 I am obviously not hacking but he just wouldn't give it up.

    Then again today I was playing in a game and happened to find a really good spot on the bridge. I ended up killing a guy 2 times again and he started calling me a hacker also(this is the second time in my whole life I had been called a hacker. I play well but never at hacker level) I then checked out my Kill to death and saw that i was 20/0 and had a hard time trying to defend myself with a score like that. 20 minutes in I finally die at 25/0 and end the round 38/17.

    All in all I got quite an ego boost having been called a hacker 2 days straight. Moral of this story, L2PNoobs. Real Moral, don't call everyone having a good night a hacker.

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Chronicle Comments

Spitfire668 has 3 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. Spitfire668 Spitfire668
    Posted On Apr 17 2008

    I play regualar BF2. I cant get the deluxe discs to work right, and i like the original maps better. And I do hate hackers, but i dont complain, i just keep playing and try my hardest to single them out for whom to kill.

  2. theSchwag theSchwag
    Posted On Apr 17 2008

    This is why hackers are crap - they ruin the reputations of decent, hard working gamers.

  3. Silent Bob Silent Bob
    Posted On Apr 17 2008

    It's funny how you "rediscover" gems like BF2. At the release of Team Fortress 2, it's like all our BF2 and CounterStrike:Source players forgot those games even existed.

    Once the sheen started to wear off TF2, they were coming back to BF2 in droves. It's an insanely addictive game that can run well on even the doggiest computer (kind of like CS 1.6).

    Were you playing "regular" BF2 or one of the expansions? Don't let the "hacker" taunts get to you. I've got a girl that plays CS:S that gets that all the time because she seriously pwns most people out there.